In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Act if you decide to enter into a therapeutic relationship with Hooley and Tuke we will retain your contact details (email address, address and phone number) on our invoicing data base. This information will be deleted once the final payment has been received from you.
As part of a therapeutic intervention we may refer you to another specialist. This will only take place with your agreement.
If you request Hooley and Tuke to provide treatment we will maintain a paper record of your assessment and treatment.
We do not sell or pass on your details to other organisations.
The lawfulness of processing information under the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act is for Legitimate Purposes 6(b,f) and for special category data 9(h).
HTrehab would like to make you aware that you have the following rights regarding the data we are required to collect about you:
- Make a Subject Access Request;
- Rectification of any incorrect information we hold about you;
- Restriction of further processing of data;
- Right to be forgotten where information has been provided with consent.
Should you wish to complain about any aspects of how we have handled your personal data you can contact the Supervisory Authority (ICO) at Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
If you have any questions about how we handle your personal data by emailing